Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Spiders & Pissants unite

This is the inagural posting to the Spiders & Pissants website. If you don't like it... shove off.
If you do, then feel free to post at will. Also, if you want a good laugh and insight into the photojournalism world in South Louisiana, check out the "Turd Polisher" at http://www.turdpolisher.blogspot.com/

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ze Heyman! Zeik Hile, Zeik Hile!

Well, I truly have never had a friend with more psychological problems that Jami Mykoff. He is absolutely one for the books. He was killing himself at this warehouse job and so what did his old friend Terry do? I put my neck on the line and suggested that he come over here to the tv station and work in the traffic department. What a mistake. He's done nothing but bitch since the day he hit the freakin' door.

When he leaves, I will never do anything this stupid again. Let's just hope that he doesn't ruin my reputation in the process.

That damn Heyman! GROW UP ASSWIPE!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jami is going to work!

This is a good thing, all things considered. It will get him out of the warehouse environment that he was suffering in for the past few months. It will keep him sane, I hope? It will provide him with a stable income to conduct his guitar lessons. It will calm him down some. Welcome to WVLA Heyman!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Of course, there's idiots everwhere.

Bless their hearts... they can't help it. Idiots seem to populate the halls of television stations in great mass. If only there were a pill or treatment that one could administer so that the idiot could become whole again? So sad...

If I had my way, I think I would just wrap them up like mummies and sit them down in a vat of stinking turds. This way, they would grow to have a solid understanding of what it really means to shit on someone?


Saturday, July 7, 2007

What in the hell?

I wish there was a place where you could go and get a brain infusion about how these non-linear editing and their related software brothers and sisters work. I know I'm old but shit... I've got ideas and they need horsepower and knowledge of these things. I love editing and most of all I love being inside out of the freakin' heat.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So, Tbone... whatever happened to your Gold Top Les Paul?

Interesting that you should ask. I talked with Tim Lawson just yesterday about the guitar. He told me that the repairs are complete and the new finish on the top is done. So, now I just have to get busy and pay for the mother!

hehehe... pictures to come.

"I likes my new gig"

Have I mentioned that I love my new job? I'm working for ch. 33/44 group here in Baton Rouge. Nice folks and great to work for. I'll keeps you posted as the job progresses.